Category Archives: .info


not hiatus anymore.

i’m leaving

in order to focus on my priorities.

reading fanfiction and reading it critically it was a wonderful and very learning experience to me. i enjoyed it since fangirling over harry potter series, through manga&anime – when i discovered yaoi and going back to harry potter to read and write some drarry and snarry – and finally kpop yaoi fanfiction, which was for me a way more a challenge than it could seem to others.

i want to thank all people who came by. i hope you will enjoy what i gathered through these years and although i won’t post new things anymore i still hope someone would want to continue this little thing i made – on their own rules. i know i was so restrictive, in my judgement and appearance. i hope that one day someone will write me a message and adopt my little children, or a child – not that i care anymore…

K-POP fanfic LIST

K-POP fanfic LIST Poland


SYNGRAPHEUS ~ fanfic lists community ~

i had a great vision but not enough willpower to reforge it into reality. maybe someone will make it instead of me…

keep your fingers crossed for me, i’m trying to write my own fiction. maybe you’ll see my nickname in bookstores one day.

bye~ ♥




If you read a lot of yaoi/slash fanfictions

And have some spare time

Want to help in getting this list bigger and more known on the Internet


by leaving a comment in here or pm me on some of my other sites listed here






Po kilku próbach znalezienia takiego forum w sieci zebrałyśmy się i założyłyśmy własne xD Jeszcze sporo pracy przed nami, ale rozgrywki można już prowadzić, więc chciałybyśmy zaprosić osoby z zewnątrz. 

Chcemy stworzyć miejsce, w którym każdy będzie mógł pisać tyle ile chce, z kim chce i o czym chce bez obawy o to, że forum umrze śmiercią naturalną – jak wiele poprzednich.
kpop, yaoi, rozgrywki role play jeden na jeden. WEJDŹ, DOŁĄCZ DO NAS I BAW SIĘ DOBRZE!

info – new category!

I am reading a lot of k-pop fanfictions. I guess I just never found a good crossover yet. Well, untill now.

Yeah, it’s crossover category. Tadam!

But I won’t mess up my perfect order in category list so I’m going to put all crossover fanfictions into one sack. There’s going to be a crossover category under a k-music one.

I hope it’ll do it’s job. Stay tuned!

[info] about change of post templates

info post again^^”

But I just realized that order of info about fanfictions is a little pointless. I thought I might improve it to make searching easier. If you haven’t noticed, titles are sometimes so long you can’t see pairing or wordcount in that shortened form. And I think it’s important. So I’m here to inform about it. You’ll see changes in next post (in a moment I’m adding new ff link^^).

with love <3
